A symposium at Al-Karkh University of Science about the solidity of the Arabic language
College of Remote Sensing and Geophysics, Al-Karkh University organized a symposium about the solidity of Arabic language with the participation of a number of Professors and specialists from Iraqi Universities.
The symposium discussed the necessity of preserving the Arabic language from common mistakes, and to ensure its right usage, especially in the media field as being an effective tool in the promotion of the linguistics culture.
The symposium dealt with three main topics. The first topic was about the correction of common grammatical mistakes presented by Prof. Dr. Abdul Ilah Ibrahim, whereas the second topic was about media language analysis and its impact on the linguistics implications for teachers and the influence of religious and political speech on media delivered by Prof. Dr. Dr. Yassin Taher, and finally the third topic was about the relationship of Arabic language with intellect presented by Zaher Abdel Hussein.
At the end of the symposium, the researchers recommended the need to refer to the linguistics correction references in order to learn the proper grammar usage of words, as well as the intensification of seminars and lectures that aim at preserving the solidity of the Arabic language.