Al-karkh university for science hold the university council meeting
Al-karkh university for science council hold its usual session with the presence of the university chancellor Prof. Dr. Thamer A. Hassan , associate chancellor for scientific affairs Dr. Louai kadhim , associate chancellor for administrative affairs Dr. Raid N. Hassan and the dean of college of remote sensing and geophysics Dr. Rafa A. Hassan.
During the meeting they discuss a number of topics most notably the issue of accelerating the preparation of special studies to open specialized colleges to meet the need of futuristic working market to provide the staff as well as the fund to open these colleges.
Prof. Dr. Thamer emphasized on the necessity to complete the procedures to add number of classrooms and complementary laboratories.
The council also discussed preparations taken during the examinations period so as to ensure the suitable psychological atmosphere to students and to open the central library in front of them and also discussed the security measures and how to deal with cheating.
They also discussed the recommendations of His excellency the minister regarding the internal departments to provide the suitable places for students.