Al-Karkh University of Science Council holds its regular session via Skype
The Council of the University of Al-Karkh University of Science held an extraordinary session on Thursday, 3/26/2020, via Skype, headed by the Chancellor of the University, Professor Dr. Thamir A.A. Hassan, with the Vice-chancellors of the University for Scientific and Administrative Affairs and with the deans of the colleges.
The chancellor of the University conveyed the directives of His Excellency the Honorable Minister in the meeting of the Extraordinary Advisory Board meeting held on Tuesday, 3/24/2020 regarding the general situation of the Corona crisis and its implications where he urged universities to contribute actively to finding solutions and exert efforts that highlight elements of cooperation closely with health institutions in the task force.
A working paper was also prepared for new and specialized universities regarding the continuation of e-learning until the crisis ends. He also stressed his commitment to upload the lectures on a daily basis and record them by video and through the classroom, provided that the first semester ends on 8-4-2020 and the second semester begins on 12-4-2020; the evaluation will be an electronic one, and also includes exams as were conducted in the traditional way. Reports, homework and various questions will be presented the electronically.
He also stressed the necessity of positive interaction with students and not to upload a large number of lectures per day for one subject and to ask the students to do the requirements in a short way in a way that serves the academic and cognitive aspect and achieves the completion of a large percentage of the curriculum. He also directs to appoint a specific day for each faculty member to discuss the questions that are asked by students electronically and be notified electronically in the appointed date.
His Excellency directed the deans of the colleges to hold an exceptional college council with the vice- deans and heads of departments.
The subject of temporary employees , which includes workers and lecturers in colleges, was also discussed, for choosing the most appropriate way to distribute their wages. The esteemed Chancellor of the University also urged the university leaders to launch a fund for donors who want to help for this purpose based on social solidarity, voluntary work and for contributing to alleviate the suffering as a result of the layoff due to the curfew.