Al-Karkh University of Science holds a scientific symposium on the renaissance of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, and its impact on contemporary history
The Student Activities Department, in cooperation with the Department of Continuing Education and the Department of Media and Government Communication at Al-Karkh University of Science, held a scientific symposium on the renaissance of Imam Hussein and its impact on contemporary history, under the sponsorship and in the presence of the Chancellor of Al-Karkh University of Science, Professor Dr. Thamer Abdulameer Hasan Al-Kazimi, and the Assistant Chancellor of the University for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Louay. Kazem Abboud and a number of department heads, employees and teachers of the university.
The symposium included lectures presented by a lecturer at Al-Mustansiriya University, Professor Dr. Sami Hamoud Jassim, and a lecturer at the Ministry of Education, Dr. Manal Hassan Okla, in which the two lecturers have touched on the implications and humanitarian principles of the revolution of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) and the lessons learned from it.
The symposium showed that most of the revolutions and movements that took place after the Husseini revolution had their leaders influenced by the Husseini Renaissance and its contents, and they took Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) as their highest example, as those successive revolutions have worried the enemies of the Imam and shook their thrones until they ended in their downfall, so Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) was a beacon of truth, honesty, and virtue, and an ideal for revolutionaries opposing monuments of injustice and tyranny throughout history.
For his part, the Chancellor of Al-Karkh University of Science, Professor Dr. Thamer Abdulameer Hasan Al-Kazimi,, confirmed during the symposium that the Husseini Revolution has left its effects and imprints generally on human thought, as its effects were not limited to one sect or another, nor to one time or another, but rather included all the free people of the world regardless of their different religions and beliefs over the course of the year because of the contents and meanings of reform and lofty humanitarian principles.
The university chancellor has addressed the lessons learned from the Husseini Revolution, which included the line of revolution and the counter-regime, civilizational pressures on the Islamic nation, the revolution as a human uprising and a historical fact, and other lessons of sacrifice and altruism for the sake of reviving religion and offering what is dear and precious for the sake of truth.