Al-Karkh University of Science holds a workshop on chemical, biological and physical safety and security in laboratories
The Department of Quality Assurance, and University Performance at Al-Karkh University of Science , in cooperation with the Department of Continuing Education, College of Science, and College of Remote Sensing and Geophysics organized a workshop on chemical and biological safety and security in laboratories.
The two-day workshop aims to increase awareness of laboratory security, stimulate a culture of safety in educational laboratories among professors, employees, and students, and to work to develop safety procedures and laboratory approaches.
The first day of the workshop included a lecture on safety and chemical security given by (Dr. Hazem Abdel Razzaq Abdel Amir), a faculty members in the Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance, and a lecture on safety signs ( Pictograms) delivered by Dr. Saif Al-Din Mowaffaq Abdel-Hadi, the faculty members at the College of Remote Sensing and Geophysics.
On the second day, a lecture on safety and physical security was given by (Prof. Dr. Buraq Yahya Kazem) Dean of the College of Science at Al-Karkh University of Science and (Dr. Basma Hussein Hamad), and a lecture on safety and biological security was delivered by Dr. Ali Abdul-Karim Ali, a faculty member in the College of Science at the university.