Al-Karkh University of Science hosts a delegation from the “Egnatia” Aviation Academy in Greece
Al-Karkh University of Science hosted a delegation from the Egnatia Aviation Academy in Greece to discuss the establishment of a college for teaching aviation at the university for the arts of air navigation and safety.
The delegation held a meeting upon arrival with the university president (Prof. Dr. Luay Kazem Abboud) in the presence of a number of department heads and professors in the College of Remote Sensing and Geophysics, followed by a seminar in the central hall that included the participation of a wide group of instructors, employees and students, where the curricula, practical training, and the provision of modern equipment that ensures the preparation of highly qualified graduates in the field of aviation were discussed.
The academy delegation expressed the latter’s full readiness to support this cooperation, pointing to its long experience in training pilots and technicians in the aviation industry, and presented a number of models for aviation training from Iraq and the countries of the region.
Egnatia Aviation Academy in Greece is one of the largest academies in Europe, providing pilot training services for many airlines in the world and is approved to train air navigation for graduates of secondary school from Iraq and several other countries.
This step is expected to contribute to strengthening the relationship between Iraq and European countries in the field of higher education, and provide distinguished professional opportunities for students wishing to join the field of aviation.
Al-Karkh University of Science
Department of Media and Government Communication