Al-Karkh University of Science obtains official approval for the opening of its first colleges
Al-Karkh University of Science obtains official approval for the opening of its first colleges
The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announced yesterday the launch of student guide to apply for universities and government institutes, which included inserting college of Remote Sensing and Geophysics at Al-Karkh University of Science.
On this occasion, the Chancellor of the University Dr. Thamir Al-Kadimi stated “The strenuous efforts made by the Presidency of the University and its employees have yielded formal approval at the opening of the first colleges of the University”.
He added as well “The specialization offered by the University of rare specialities in the country, which came according to a study by the Iraqi labor market and which will hopefully contribute to advancing the scientific and technological progress in Iraq”.
It is worth to mention that Al-Karkh University of Science is one of the formations at Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, which was established in 2014. It is located in Al-Karkh side in one of the presidential palaces (Hamada Palace), overlooking the Tigris River and it is hoped that the University will open new colleges next year.