Al-Karkh University of Science opens prospects for cooperation with the British University of Sheffield
As part of a series of cooperation mechanisms with reputable international universities, Karkh University of Science held a scientific and practical cooperation mechanism with the University of Sheffield, represented by activating blended education and linking the laboratories of the two universities with each other.
The agreement was coordinated by the faculty member at the College of Science, Dr. Ghiath Abbas Fadel and teaching d. Alia Majid Yahya has obtained the approval of the British University of Sheffield to grant Karkh University (a free gift) an entry permit for 250 students for a full year to the physics laboratory (12 various experiments) with the possibility of increasing the number for students of the first stage and according to the request of Karkh University of Science and the need that we propose.
It is worth mentioning that the number of experiments in the virtual laboratory are 4 general physics experiments, 3 electrical experiments, 1 nuclear experiment, 2 thermodynamic experiments, and 2 mechanical experiments.
In this regard, the President of Karkh University of Sciences, Prof. Thamer Abdul-Amir Hassan, blessed this cooperative mechanism, returning it to an important step of the university’s steps that it took years ago to reach the world by opening channels of communication with reputable universities.
It is noteworthy that this completed cooperation mechanism will benefit from its experiences and scientific returns in all the faculties of Al-Karkh University of Sciences.