Al-Karkh University of Science organizes a lecture on the chemistry of vaccines to stimulate the immune system
Under the patronage of the President of Al-Karkh University of Science, Professor Dr. Thamir A. A. Hassan, the electronic platform of Al-Karkh University of Science organized a lecture entitled: Chemistry of Vaccines.
The lecture presented by the lecturer at Al-Karkh University of Science Dr. Hazem Abdel-Razzaq Abdel-Air, included an explanation of vaccines and their mechanism of action in the body by stimulating the immune system. The lecture provided a historical overview of vaccine manufacture, the most important of which was the smallpox vaccine, which was produced by British doctor Edward Jenner in 1798 and that was successful in treating smallpox.
The lecture included an explanation of the components of the vaccines, the chemicals they contain, and the antibiotics that are made to prevent the vaccine from being exposed