“Al-Karkh University of Science organizes a stand of solidarity and mourning for the souls of the martyrs of the Baptist Hospital in the Gaza Strip who fell at the hands of the Zio/nist aggression.”
In implementation of the directives of the Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, Al-Karkh University of Science organized a stand of mourning and solidarity and the reading of Surat Al-Fatihah for the souls of the martyrs of the Baptist Hospital in the Gaza Strip in Palestine.
Through it, those who denounced expressed their deep sadness and deep condolences over this great and great calamity and tragedy that befell our people in the Gaza Strip at the hands of the brutal Zionist aggression.
For his speach, the president of the university state, “today we stand in mourning for the souls of the martyrs. We stand today with tears in our eyes in grief for what happened to women and children at the hands of the occupying Zionist enemy. We ask God to have mercy on our martyrs, improve their condition, and give patience to their families. God is sufficient for us, and in his words we stand.”