Al-Karkh University of Science organizes a voluntary campaign to clean up the University
Al-Karkh University of Science organized a voluntary campaign to clean up the University, within the activities of volunteer work week, as directed by His Excellency Minister of Higher Education, with the participation of instructors, employees and students.
The participants assured that volunteering to work at the University came from their desire to make the University within the same level of solid Universities. Moreover, voluntary work fosters the spirit of patriotism and stimulates the individual to serve his country and his community.
On this occasion, the Chancellor Prof. Dr. Thamir A. Hassan said "patriotism is not only through words but through actions and provide what can be provided and this can be done by voluntary campaigns and supporting our security forces and the popular crowd in their fight against ISIS and terrorism", he added "these campaigns are part of our loyalty to the blood of our martyrs who sacrificed themselves for this country. And the least thing we can give is our devotion to work and our aspiration to be always on the top in all fields".