Al-Karkh University of Science organizes a workshop on cybersecurity
The Department of Continuing Education, in cooperation with the Computer Center at Karkh University of Science, organized a workshop on cyber security, in the presence of a number of university teachers and employees.
The workshop aims to introduce the importance of cyber security, methods of addressing attacks on websites, and the steps used for hacking.
The workshop included a lecture delivered by the lecturer (Lect. Hamed Jassam Muhammad) and the teacher ( Osama Muhammad Nouri) from the University's Computer Center, during which they reviewed the most prominent cybersecurity challenges, and problems the institutions facing and risks and electronic threats facing them, especially with regard to hacking techniques. Electronic (Hacking) and ways to address it.
The workshop also included a discussion of ways to ensure that private systems are not infiltrated, the mechanisms and methods used to protect data with internal and external parties, and the importance of security awareness required of employees, administrators and employers in the field of cybersecurity.
The workshop came out with several recommendations, the most important of which are: not to deal with unsafe sites, to train and alert employees to deal with reliable sources, and not to provide any party with data until after verifying the reliability of the source.