Al-Karkh University of Science organizes a workshop to discuss the National Strategy for Integrity and Anti-Corruption
The Department of Legal Affairs at Al-Karkh University of Science organized a workshop to discuss the national strategy for integrity and anti-corruption, for the years 2021-2024, in the presence of the Assistant Chancellor of the University for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Loay Kazem Abboud, and the Assistant Chancellor of the University for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Kazem Hailan Mohsen, and the assistant deans of the colleges and gentlemen, directors of scientific and administrative departments, the workshop comes within the directives of the Ministry regarding the implementation of the national strategy to combat corruption in cooperation with the Integrity Commission.
The workshop, which was presented by the Director of the Department of Legal Affairs, Mr. Haider Madloul Badr, included an explanation of the procedures for the implementation mechanism of the National Index of the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Initiative.
The workshop consisted of an explanation of the mechanism for addressing identified risks at the level of the ministry and entities not associated with a ministry, and an explanation of the most important phenomena of corruption and ways to address them.
The workshop aims to introduce the participants to the mechanisms for addressing the phenomena of corruption and its causes, according to the form of the National Index of Integrity and Anti-Corruption Initiatives, and in implementation of the United Nations Anti-Corruption Convention, which Iraq joined in 2007.