Al-Karkh University of Science participates in the national conference to support the security forces and the popular crowd
Under the sponsorship of his Excellency the Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al-Essa and in cooperation with the Corporation of Popular Crowd, an academic delegation from Al-Karkh University of Science headed by the Chancellor, Dr. Thamir A. Hassan participated in the national conference to support the security forces and the popular crowd, which was held at University of Baghdad under the slogan "the Higher Education supports the popular crowd and creativity".
The Minister delivered a speech during the ceremony where he praised on the heroic role of our security forces and the popular crowd in the restoration of the occupied lands by the ISIS and how they sacrificed their lives to return science and education to those provinces.
For his part, Dr. Thamir said "our security forces and the popular crowd have written a new history while they are defending their country and the lands that were occupied by terrorists, and they carry us by their sacrifice the responsibility of achieving scientific accomplishments and raise the name of Iraq regionally and internationally".
The ceremony included reading Al-Fattiha on the spirits of the Iraqi martyrs who sacrificed their lives to keep the banner of Iraq high, and honoring their families.