Al-Karkh University of Science participates in the opening of the wing of Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Baghdad International Fair
A delegation from Al-Karkh University of Science headed by the Chancellor of the University Prof. Dr. Thamir Abdul Amir Hassan participated in the opening of the wing of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research – University of ICT in the 43rd session of Baghdad International Fair, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Salam Khoshnaw, Undersecretary of the Ministry for Scientific Affairs and Dr. Abbas Mohsen Bakri President University of Information and Communication Technology.
The Prof. Dr. Salam Khoshnaw scientific affairs procurator in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Prof. Dr. Abbas M. AL-Bakry inaugurated the section of Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / University of Information Technology and Communications for the 43rd session in Baghdad International Fair.The Mr. Procurator referred to the necessity of participating the ministry and its offices and universities in such important fairs to introduce their services and implementations to the public, and for getting knowledge about the commercial abilities of participated countries and companies in terms of industrial or service. Khoshnaw valued the efforts of preparing committee and team work members who finished presenting the systems implemented by the scientific centers, university activities and its participations in scientific and services conferences rather than presenting electronic systems guide and training courses guide in the UOITC.
From his side the president of the University Prof. Dr. Abbas M. AL-Bakry emphasized on the importance of participation despite of the lack in the abilities and the circumstance of austerity country suffered from, emphasizing on doing the best and providing success requirements in this participation and encouraging to the necessity of explaining to the public the role of the university, systems and electronic programs that are designed to reduce and abstract the consumed time, detecting the mistakes, finishing the routine and achieving the limpidness in the work to be considered as a step in the way of implementing the electronic government which is the goal of the government.
AL-Bakry added “This participation as announcement of University about its readiness to build electronic service systems for both governmental and private sectors. As well as announcing about the ability of the university in training the employees of the companies and institutes within the schedule of training courses through the year by specialized lecturers in informatics field.
Noting that, the UOITC participates for the first time in Baghdad International Fair represented the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and this can be considered as an important step in the way and policy of producing universities that the ministry recently followed.