Al-Karkh University of Science participates in the Scientific Conference of “the consolidation of the behaviour of integrity in the value system of the society”
Al-Karkh University of Science participates in the Scientific Conference of “the consolidation of the behaviour of integrity in the value system of the society”
In support of initiatives to impose integrity and the eradication of corruption in the public and the academic community, chancellor of Al-Karkh University of Science Assist. Prof. Dr. Thamir A. Al-Kadimiy participated in the 19th Scientific Conference of “the consolidation of the behavior of integrity in the value system of the society” held by Psychological Research Center at Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research and sponsored by Dr. Fadel al-Saadi, Director General of the center.
The Conference witnessed the presence of Prof. Dr. Nabil al-Araji, chairman of the Supervisory device, Dr. Kazem Yasiri, president of Al-furat Al-Awsat technical University and Dr. Muwaffaq Al-Saadi representative of Al-waqf Alsheai.
Dr. Al-Kadimiy stressed during his speech on the need to concentrate on solidification the morals as a way for the elimination of corruption and that’s through the fear of God and respecting the law. He emphasised as well on the integrity within the frame of academic education, stating that it is necessary to follow the constants in the scientific research and not to encroach on the intellectual property.
The ceremony included reading Al-Fatiha for the souls of the martyrs as well as, discussing many scientific and social research which discuss the topics of integrity and reduce corruption in the society and its institutions.