Al-Karkh University of Science receives an academic delegation from Darmstadt University of Technology
An academic delegation from Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany visited Al-Karkh University of Science to open the horizons of joint scientific and academic collaboration and strengthen the scientific and cultural relations between the two Universities, in a visit considered as the first of its kind from a German University to a newly established University in Iraq.
During the meeting with the delegation, the Chancellor of Al-Karkh University, Prof. Dr. Thamir A. Hassan said "Al-Karkh University always seeks to collaborate with educational institutions in the world to ensure that the scientific strategy of the University is achieved, in addition to provide the country with young energies, and to keep pace with the scientific developments in the world". He added as well "we are seeking to collaborate with Daad Organization through Darmstadt University to exchange the experiences and ideas between the teaching staff of both Universities and equipping the laboratories of Al-Karkh University with the needed devices and discussing the possibility of delivering online courses by the professors of Darmstad University to the students of Al-Karkh University, and the possibility of sending the top graduates students of the University in a scholarship to German Universities".
For his part, Prof. Dr. Christophe Schott expressed his pleasure with his visit to Al-Karkh University, praising on the efforts the University staff to rehabilitate the University, and he hoped that this visit would be the beginning of more effective visits to achieve the needs of the both Universities.
I t is worth to mention that Professor Schott had delivered an introductory lecture about Darmstadt University of Technology, after watching documentary films about the establishment of Al-Karkh University of Science.