Chancellor of Al-Karkh University of Science discusses the way of implementing the project of e-government at the University
Chancellor of Al-Karkh University of Science discusses the way of implementing the project of e-government at the University
Chancellor of Al-Karkh University, Assist. Prof. Dr. Thamir A. Al-Kadimiy, held a meeting with IT department to discuss the final touches of e-government project at the University, where the developers of this project gave a detailed explanation the mechanism of the implementation system and the benefit of using it in archiving the documents.
In his turn, Dr. Al-Kadimiy directed his remarks about the project, calling for the use of barcode technique to rise up the level of security for the graduation certificates and important documents. Furthermore, he instructed the IT department to expedite the completion of the e-archiving process for all the documents.
At the end of the meeting, Dr. Al-Kadimiy praised on the great efforts made by the staff of IT department to implement this project which will contribute significantly in upgrading the administrative work at the University.