KUS Logo
The logo is composed of many parts:
1- The upper arc: is decorated with Quran verse ‘’Allah will exalt in degree those of you who believe and those who have been granted knowledge’’
2- The bottom arc: is containing the name of the University in English.
3- The large middle area: is carrying the name of the University in Arabic calligraphy font.
4- The open book: is a symbol of knowledge and Science
5- Architectural knitting: is inspired by Mustansiriya School’s knitting; Mustansria School is the oldest Islamic institutions of higher learning in the world, established in 625 AH.
6- The Atom Mark: is a symbol of the scientific development that consistent with the University aspiration and goals.
7- The date of establishing Al-Karkh University in 1435 AH / 2014 AD.
8- The color processing: derived its meaning from the colors used in Arabic and Islamic Architecture and manuscripts such as dark blue, light blue, dark yellow and golden color.