Patent at Al-Karkh University of Science for the design and manufacture of wet self-heating reactor for the preparation of nanostructures
Dr. Thamir A. Hassan , the chancellor of Al-karkh university of science , received a patent for the design and manufacture of a wet self-heating reactor for the preparation of various nanomaterials.
The patent , which was accomplished with the cooperation of Dr. Abdul-kareem M. Al-samaraai and Mr. Ali T. Qasim , aimed at changing the structure of nanoparticles into fibrous structures using temperature from 90-150 Celsius.
The patent , which was granted by the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control included making tests on the material produced to be compatible with the extracted nanomaterials in other conditions and show that they are very similar .
Dr. Thamir Abdul-Amir said that the patent is economically feasible , since the cost of the device is only $ 600, while the other methods are costing about $ 8000.
He added that the production of nanomaterials of modern technologies used in medical field , such as biological sensors and sensors of gases and use it in the manufacture of long-life batteries and others .