Scientific research at Al-Karkh University of Science on determining the causes of water pollution in Diyala Province
The two faculty members at Al-Karkh University of Science, Dr. Muhammad Abdul Basit Abdul Jabbar, and Asst. Lect. Sohaib Kamal Mahmood, published a scientific research within the Scopus indexes in the Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry & Chemical Technology, on determining the concentrations of heavy elements in some water sources in Diyala province.
The research included determining the concentrations of heavy and toxic elements Pb, Cd, Cu, and Cr, in some water sources in Diyala province in Iraq, such as the Diyala River and the Khuraisan River, using the elements of lead, cadmium, copper, and chromium metal by using the atomic spectroscopy technique in determining the concentrations.
The research concluded that the water sources explored in the Diyala River, the Khuraisan River, the tap water and the bottled water are contaminated with heavy elements. The elements of lead, chromium and cadmium metal were recorded to be higher than the standards established in accordance with Iraqi and WHO standards.