The chancellor of Al-Karkh University of Science, holds an iftar banquet for university students …
The chancellor of Al-karkh university of science Dr. Thamir A. Hassan held a mass banquet to the university students , with the participation of a number of lecturers and associates . This initiative coincided with the final examinations and the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan.
On this occasion , the chancellor said that these initiatives develop and enhance the spirit of brotherhood and human cohesion among university students away from any religious or ethnic denomination , and deepen the sense of belonging to the academic institution .
He also added that the military effort offered by our Mujahideen heroes in the cause of Allah and country , fighting terrorism in the battlefields must be supported by academic and scientific effort , which is the responsibility of students as future leaders and builders of country .
On their part, the students expressed their joy at this friendly and cordial meeting, calling on the Almighty Allah to grant our country good and safety and to preserve our valiant forces, our popular mobilization and the people of Iraq.