The Council of Al-Karkh University of Science holds its sixth regular session
The Council of Al-Karkh University of Science held its regular session headed by the Chancellor of the University, Prof. Dr. Thamir A. A. Hassan, the vice-chancellors of the University for administrative and scientific affairs, and the deans of the colleges.
The meeting included discussion of organizing monthly exams, student status, regular attendance, implementation of Article (9) of the examination committee instructions, intensifying additional hours, and submitting a report for the end of each week showing rates of completion of study materials, as well as offering lectures with multiple packages electronically and asking students to read them electronically and in paper.
The meeting also discussed the letter of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research on the extra hours and the approval of the university council of them through giving additional free hours. The Department of Student Activities in coordination with the colleges deanship will supervise this process and arranges a schedule that does not exceed two hours per week.
The meeting touched on the admission plan for the undergraduate studies 2020-2021 and adding 30% to the admission plan for the previous year.
The Chancellor of the University directed the Service Affairs Department to address the needs of students of the dormitories, especially the urgent ones, as soon as possible, and to complete the institutional performance issue for our university. He also directed to complete the statistics and send them electronically with the annual report to the Department of Studies, Planning and Follow-up, the Supervision and Public Information Authority, and to the rest of the Ministry's departments.
The Chancellor of the University directed the formation of a committee headed by him and the membership of the vice-chancellor for scientific affairs and deans of colleges to work to strengthen cooperation between our university and Russian universities to provide a study of the mechanisms of this cooperation after the communication with the Russian ambassador and the cultural consultant in Russia is carried out; these mechanisms are submitted to the Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations and a copy of them to the office of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education with the possibility of holding a joint conference to be determined later in coordination with a rigorous Russian university.
At the end of the meeting, it was agreed to submit a document for the establishment of the Department of Forensic Science of the College of Science to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research after completing all the necessary requirements for its establishment.