The first meeting of INsPIRE project has started with the participation of Al-Karkh University of Science and it has continued for three days from 19 Feb. 2019 to 21 Feb. 2019
The first meeting of the European INsPIRE Project was held at the University of Siena in Italy with the participation of the delegation of Al-Karkh University of Science under the chairmanship of Dr. Raaid Nawfee Hassan, Vice-President of the University for Administrative Affairs, in the presence of the Ambassador of Iraq in Italy Mr. Ahmed Bamarni, the President of the University of Siena Francesco Frati, the president of UNIMED- Mediterranean Universities Union Matte Bon, the Director of the Union Marcello Scalisi, the project coordinator Professor Riccardo Mussari in addition to the representatives of the University of Istanbul, Aydin in Turkey, University of de Evora in Portugal, and the University of Bologna in Italy.
The meeting included presentations given by the representatives of the Iraqi universities and Dr. Raaid presented the scientific and academic plans of Al-Karkh University of Science, the rare specialties of the university, and the expectations of the program according to the needs of the university.
The program aims to enhance the exchange of knowledge, science and culture between Iraqi universities and universities of the European Union in order to design a strategic plan for governance in higher education. The role of Al-Karkh University of Science in the program will be centered in the involvement in trainings on the development of educational curricula and educational materials by the selection of participants in this training.
INsPIRE is a project sponsored by the Erasmus program, with the participation of a number of Iraqi universities under the direct supervision of the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.