Al-Karkh University of Science participates in a scientific symposium for the Iraqi Bayt Al-Hikma ….
Media and public Relations Department at Al-Karkh university of science participated in the scientific symposium organized by the information and decision support center at Bayt Al-Hikma under the title “ Using Social Media to Immunize the Iraqi Society “ beside the ministries of Education and Higher Education and a number of universities and research institutions .
The symposium included a presentation of different topics to researchers and academics initiated by a research to the head of the session and the supervisor of information and decision support center of Bayt Al-Hikma Prof. Dr. Sallah H.Abid entitled “ The Impact of Using Social Media in fueling sectarianism in the minds of young people “. He explained that he depended in his research on questionnaires based on a form 0f questionnaire prepared by information and decision support center of Bayt Al-Hikma , then analyzed that information .
He also explained that there are four factors contribute in fueling sectarianism and within each factor there are many factors .The first is to discuss sectarian issues and the presence of indecent people or programs encroached within the social media , the weakness of public and religious culture , national unity , the counter media and the existence of terrorist gangs .
The second is the radical religious discourse , the behavior of some members of political parties ,the official discourse of some of the governments’ associates and the discourse of some associates of legislative institution .
The third is the weak role of civil society organizations , the weakness of domestic and regional education and the weak impact of universities , schools and educational institutions. The fourth is the behavior of some members of security services .
The symposium aimed at introducing the importance of understanding the principles of dealing with social media sites in various fields of life and its positive role in spreading the culture of peaceful coexistence and fortification of Iraqi society .