Al-Karkh University of Science participates in the Fourth International Conference on Engineering Sciences organized by Al-Nahrain University
The President of the University, Prof. Dr. Thamer Abdul Amir Hassan Al-Kazemi, participated in the Fourth International Conference on Engineering Sciences (Energy, Environment and Climate Change Engineering)
Towards a Green and Sustainable Environment – A Journey Towards a Bright Future
Organized by Al-Nahrain University in cooperation with Ashur University, Al-Isra University and the University of Birmingham in the UK, in the presence of a number of Undersecretaries of the Ministries of Higher Education and Environment and academic figures in the ministries and universities of the state concerned with energy and the environment…
The conference included a dialogue session that included a number of axes and their discussions, the most important of which are:
The first axis / Discussing renewable energies, oil and gas energy, water resources, dams, environmental pollution and its negative impact on humans and the environment
The second axis / Addressing how to recycle and sustainably, taking into account environmental engineering and climate change, in addition to requesting the enactment of a law by the House of Representatives to finance this file and determine the necessary financial allocations in addition to funding research
Department of Media and Government Communication
Al-Karkh University for Science