The Chancellor of Al-Karkh University of Science meets the Ministry Deputy of Health and Environment
The Chancellor of Al-Karkh University of Science, Prof. Dr. Thamir A. A. Hassan met the Deputy Ministry of Health and Environment, Prof. Dr. Jasem Abdul Aziz Al-Falahi, and Dr. Sabah Al-Husseini, Director of the Department of Planning and Follow-up, to agree on the national development plan and the need for renewable energies, environmental sciences, and climate change specialties.
During the meeting, the deputy showed his readiness to sign a scientific cooperation mechanism with Al-Karkh University of Science due to its specializations and contributions to implementing the development plan through the creation of the College of Energy and Environmental Sciences. He also expressed his admiration for achievements of at Al-Karkh University of Science, praising the efforts of the Chancellor of the University in this field: “We look forward to have cooperation between the university and scientific centers. They need Iraqi experts from universities and academia because of their competencies which serve a number of ministries.” The deputy said.
Al-Falahi expressed a desire to deliver a lecture at Al-Karkh University of Science on the environment in Iraq, and on what has been achieved, focusing on the role of Iraq in relation to the environmental development, and exchanging experiences through mutual workshops between the ministry of health and environment and the university; he affirmed his readiness to cooperate with Al-Karkh University of Science to give new concepts about the environment, renewable energies and green economy without depending only on oil: “We also have environmental projects, and we need cooperation from Al-Karkh University of Science to work and cooperate to invest alternative energies to oil, since Al-Karkh University of Science has specialized colleges in this field.” He added.
The meeting included a briefing by the Chancellor of Al-Karkh University of Science about the university and its specializations, the presentation of the topics of the second international conference of the university, and making one of its topics for the environment, pollution and renewable energy. Finally, an invitation was given to the deputy to attend the university conference and the deputy expressed his readiness to attend, saying that this conference is an asset to the quality of environmental work and sustainable development.